Friday, July 17, 2009

We are going to be GRANDPARENTS !!

We received the best phone call yesterday afternoon. Dave's daughter, Heather, called and said that she and her husband are PREGNANT! We are super excited to have them have a new baby. Heather has been a great "mom" to Mike's son, Mikey, so I KNOW that she will be an awesome mother to this baby too. Yippee Skippee. Now I can go shopping for baby clothes when I find out what sex the baby is. comes the hard part of waiting and waiting and waiting. I guess for now, we will just be happy to belong to the grandparent's club. Families are the best thing, aren't they? May Heavenly Father pour out his blessings to them all.


  1. YEAH! That's really great news. And now your can be buddies with my momma in the Grandparents club. You're be perfect since you're a very loving and caring. And if it's a boy, your hubby will love camping with him. It's fun thinking of all the new experiences life can give us!

  2. Congrats!! Babies are the best!

  3. Congrats, Congrats, Congrats. I am very excited for the day that i get to enjoy the children but not deal with the problems. I am so excited for you. Congrats again!!

  4. HEY! THAT'S GREAT! I've been away from your blog for sometime and came back just in time to hear the good news! Well, congratulations to all of you, specially Heather. =)

    Things are good back in good old Brazil. Julia and Eduardo just celebrated one year of their marriage, and we ate some of that delicious wedding cake... awesome.

    I just realized this also means that it's been one year already since Andrea and Sarah were here... seems like it was yesterday! Fun, fun times.

    As for me, I'm enjoying my short spring break weeks in Vitoria, taking a rest to prepare to go back and study A LOT!

    That's it for new... big hugs to all you guys, hope you're doing great and keep sending us some more news every now and then.

    Your brazilian tour guide,
